Fortunately, Manta Mobula is usually not aggressive, unless encouraged.
Search Coords Ark Dossier Location Coordinates List Type location name or explorer's name into the search bar to search 126 coordinates. Hey guys, With the Manta coming out soon in the next patch i though i would breakdown the dossier so we can learn everything we can ready for taming one Additionally we check out dev kit assets of the Manta so we can really get familiar with it. Paste a setplayerpos command from the list below into the console and press the ENTER key on your keyboard. Its tail is incredibly sharp, and can pierce through thick hide and armor with ease. Xbox PlayStation PC Press the TAB key on your keyboard. Normally docile, the Manta Mobula is a cranivore only in that it consumes Plankton. Thusly, many tribes use it as an escort for their slower cargo-carrying swimmers. A quick jab through the heart onto an unsuspecting survivor can easily take them by surprise. Its capability to briefly leap out of water provides it a showy tactic for avoiding combat as well. Tribes who value striking power over speed often keep large schools of Manta to ride.

While not the fastest swimmer around the island, Manta Mobula is the deadliest of small ocean mounts, and can be ridden bare-back. Perhaps there were originally two types of ray on the island before, but years of interbreeding combined their lineage. Everything points to this being a saltwater ray, but Manta Mobula has developed the ability to swim into the island´s rivers and shallows, as well as through the open ocean. Here is another example of a creature that seems to have evolved beyond its historical traits.